Combley Great Wood
Combley Great Wood is freehold woodland of 130 hectares owned and managed by the Forestry Commission. The area is made up of a number of small interconnected woodlands:Combley Great Wood, Watershill Copse, Guildfordheath Copse, Hoglease Copse, Black-bridge Copse, Ramcroft Copse, and Wilderness Copse. Most of the woodland is designated as an Ancient Woodland site. A wide variety of woodland birds, along with Red squirrel and Bechstein’s Bat are present in the woods. Note - during very wet weather, this location can become extremely muddy.
Access, parking and amenities
Combley Great Wood is located approximately 3 miles east of Newport, near Havenstreet. The main gate is at grid reference SZ 545895. Click on the map link at the bottom of the page for more details. There are no facilities / amenities at Combley Great Wood.
What to look out for - Calendar
Spring (March - June)
Buzzard, sparrowhawk, chiffchaff, willow warbler, blackcap, coal tit, cuckoo, long-eared owl and nightingale.
Autumn (July - mid November)
Warblers and flycatchers.
Winter (mid November - February)
Brambling, crossbill, redwing, goldcrest, firecrest, siskin and treecreeper.
Year round
Barn Owl, little owl, great spotted and green woodpecker, finches including bullfinch and jay.
Useful links and further reading
View the current weather forecast for Combley Great Wood
View a map of Combley Great Wood