Foreland, Bembridge
Bembridge Ledge through to Foreland is a stony beach which is situated on the most Eastern side of the Isle of Wight. The “Ledge” is a rocky platform that is revealed at low tide, consisting of multiple rock pools which is a magnet to many feeding sea birds and Waders. In addition, adjacent to the sea, just by the car park, is a narrow footpath that runs parallel to a number of paddocks (Foreland Fields). Flanked with bushes and trees either side, this has proved to be a haven for a number of migrating birds that may choose to rest there for a short while, prior to moving on.
Access, parking and amenities
The Beach is accessed down a little winding single track lane that is signposted from Lane End Road. It has a gated, free car park at the top of the cement stepped pathway down to the beach. Take care if walking the beach at the south end of the site on a rising tide….It is quite easy to get cut off and the slippery clay cliffs make an alternative exit difficult.
There is a bistro style restaurant / cafe (The Beach Hut) along this stretch of coast situated off the path down to the beach, plus the Crab and Lobster Pub which also has a car park. The only toilets immediately local to this area are in the Beach Hut / pub and you have to be a customer. Other than this, the nearest public conveniences are at Lane End beach a short walk or drive away.
What to look out for - Calendar
Spring (March - June)
Whimbrel, collared dove, chiffchaff, lesser whitethroat, meadow pipit, wheatear, grey heron, little egret and sandwich tern.
Autumn (July - mid November)
Ringed plover, grey plover, turnstone, common sandpiper, kittiwake, Mediterranean gull, little egret, grey heron, house martin, black redstart, curlew, peregrine, yellow wagtail, wheatear and whinchat.
Winter (mid November - February)
Purple sandpiper, dark-bellied brent goose, curlew, wigeon, stock dove, cormorant, dunlin, shag, little egret, Mediterranean gull and black redstart. eider, goosander and sandwich tern may possibly be seen.
Year round
Green woodpecker, oystercatcher
Turtle dove (local rarity), Iceland gull, little swift , desert warbler, subalpine warbler, woodchat shrike, and red-necked grebe.
Useful links and further reading
View the current weather forecast for Foreland, Bembridge
View tide times for Foreland (Lifeboat Slip)
View a map of Foreland, Bembridge